Digital Guild Canada | Application Review: Painter X

Latest Software Review: Painter X

PainterXCorel Painter X is the other reason to own a tablet. It is probably the foremost digital painting program in existance. Shipping with dozens of brushes, pens, chalks, markers, nozzles, as well as papers and canvases: all digital!

Painter is so intuitive and organic both in process and look, especially when working in conjunction with a Wacom Tablet. (see Wacom/Corel combo special). It is a program that is so easy to get lost in as it is very forgiving with numerous undoes and eraser options. More an more it is being used in various industrys such as film, game design and comic books. One person who knows this all too well is Painter extraordinnaire and general pleasant artist Dan Milligan ( who you can see in our video section, speaking on the Day One clip of our Symposium. “It is a program that keeps on teaching me.” says the conceptual/storybook artist who among Zack Snyders projects can at this point only speak of 300 due to NDA in place. “Painter functions in a more artisterly fashion than most button down software environments.” this allows for greater freedom in design obviously.

Painter can be seen at work at, and More to follow..........

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